OKUYAY Meetings – 9 “What Do The Youth Read?” Meeting Held Online

The 9th of the OKUYAY Meetings “What Do The Youth Read?”, was held by OKUYAY Platform (Platform for Spreading Reading Culture) on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, between 16.00-18.00.

The meeting was held with the attandance of The OKUYAY Platform team members as well as Ali Fuat Kartal (Turkish Librarians Association), Nur Otaran (Reading Culture Association), Emine Gür (Turkish Librarians Association); editors Canan Topaloğlu, Halil Türkden, Mehmet Erkurt, Merve Okçu, Tuğçe Nida Gökırmak and comic book writer Ümit Kireççi.

At the meeting, the topics related to the features and differences of the early youth and youth books; the status of book production in this field in Turkey; and what young people read and from whom they received their book recommendations, were discussed.

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